Why Mangroves?

King of Carbon

Mangroves can store 5 to 10 times more carbon dioxide than terrestrial tress. They have an enormous capacity for sucking up CO2 and other greenhouse gases and trapping them in their soil for a thousand years. This makes them the king in our battle against climate crisis.

Community impact

Mangroves help protect and stabilize coastlines. They provide a nature-based shield by preventing erosion and absorbing storm surge impacts during extreme weather events such as hurricanes and cyclones. They also provide socioeconomic benefits, such as timber, fish, aquaculture, apiculture, and tourism opportunities.


Mangrove forests provide habitat and shelter for over 300 threatened species across the world. Terrestrial wildlife—from insects and reptiles to monkeys and even tigers—live in the drier parts of the habitat. Meanwhile, in the water around their roots, mangroves are home to fish, crab, shrimp and other fish species.

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